Why do you snore? How to stop snoring?

If you snore it’s because the relaxed tissues in your throat vibrate as the air you breathe rushes past them. About half of adults are guilty of snoring from time to time if not consistently. Other factors such as weight, general health and mouth shape can contribute to your being to prone to sawing logs at night.
Many of us are convinced we are non-snorers and are surprised to be informed by our bed partner to the contrary. If you don’t believe them or sleep alone and want to know for sure, turn on a voice activated recorder before you fall asleep and check the results the next day. Of course, if you are a really vigorous snorer and sleep alone, others in the house will inform you of the vibrating walls.
Anything that prevents you from breathing thru your nose can contribute to snoring. The usual suspects are colds, flu and allergies. Over the counter medications or nasal strips can help open the airway, but you should consult a physician if the stuffiness persists.

Sleeping on the back cause snoring

Sleeping on your back can cause you to snore or can make an already existing condition worse. This allows your tongue to drop back and block or partially block the airway. Sleeping on your side is best. You could also try sleeping with two of three stacked pillows. As a last resort, sew a small pocket between the shoulder blades of your night shirt, and place a tennis ball in the pocket. Then try sleeping on your back!

What is Deviated Septum

If your nasal septum, the thin wall between your nostrils, is malformed or smaller on one side, it can make breathing difficult and contribute to snoring. The condition is called a deviated septum. If this is an issue, a minor surgical procedure can correct the problem.
If the tissue at the back of the roof of your mouth, the soft palate, is low and thick, it can narrow your airway and make you snore. This can also happen if the uvula, the small piece of tissue that hangs from the soft palate is larger and longer than usual. This can also be surgically corrected.

Why do children snore?

If your child snores and appears tired during the day there may also be issues at play that should be checked out by your doctor. Often there are excessively large tonsils that are the cause.

Sleep apnea causes snoring

Sleep apnea is a very serious, potentially life-threatening condition that is related to snoring. This is a disorder characterized by pauses in breathing or periods of shallow breathing during sleep. Each pause can last a few seconds to a few minutes and can happen dozens or hundreds of times during the night. Most people will be made aware of sleep apnea when told by their bed partner that they had noticed you not breathing. Signs of it include dry mouth, headache, sore throat and fatigue in the morning. It is linked to stroke, high blood pressure and heart disease. It is advised that you see your doctor if you thing you might have sleep apnea.

Apr, 21, 2018