Can You Kiss With A Cold Sore?

New Year’s Eve is a time for celebration with food, drink, music and often the traditional kiss at midnight. There’s a lot of preparation for that kiss!

You Get That Tingling Feeling

You get your hair done, buy a new outfit and whiten your teeth. Then on New Year’s Eve morning you get that tingling feeling that comes before you can even see anything on your mouth yet. Oh dear, the stress may be bringing on a cold sore!

What can you do to still enjoy your evening but not spread the virus?  First of all, don’t panic. Cold sores are very common and eruptions can be brought on by stress, hormones or having a cold. And they will go away after a few days.

Over the counter medications can be used to shorten the length of time that you have the cold sore and to lessen the severity.

Second, don’t touch it! The more you touch it, the more chance there is that it may be spread to other parts of your body or to your loved ones. Cold sores are caused by having the Herpes Simplex Virus. They can be easily spread so take care to avoid having contact with other people’s glasses, utensils, and no kissing for a little bit!

How to avoid a New Year’s kiss when they have a cold sore

Third, enjoy a great, close New Year’s hug with your date and remember to catch up with them for a kiss as soon as your cold sore has healed. Be up front about your suspicion that you’re getting a cold sore. They will appreciate you not spreading it to them.  They can still kiss you on the cheek (well away from the cold sore). Act like you’re a big celebrity and give elaborate air kisses. You can hold a glass and raise a toast at midnight. This will put some space between you and others who are kissing everyone. And you can still dance and celebrate.

If you don’t have a cold sore but you notice that someone coming in for a kiss has a sore near their mouth, don’t kiss them! Getting a cold sore is not a great way to start your New Year. Gently hold their shoulders and turn that kiss into an air kiss and warmly hug them. A cheek to cheek kiss works well too, and makes for a great picture!

Remember to take care of your mouth in the New Year. This includes brushing, flossing and regular visits to your dentist and hygienist.