
Chew on These…

Have you ever used a phrase and someone did not know what you are talking about. For example, I was describing a person who was about to lose their job and said he “is on thin ice”.  What does losing a job in July have to do with thin ice? The phrases (Colloquialism) are part […] Read more

Harvest a Healthy Smile

Fall brings harvest fairs, farmer’s markets and fruit and vegetable stands loaded with tasty and healthy treats. Here are some great snacks to eat that are doubly good because they’re also great for your smile! Make a great crunchy veggie platter. The markets are bursting with farm fresh carrots, celery, tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. Crunchy, […] Read more

A Strong Foundation

Teeth age with us and we sometimes overlook that older teeth may need different maintenance, just like with the rest of our health. Older teeth do not wrinkle, but can dis-color, lose enamel and weaken. The good news is the more proactive care we take of our teeth the fewer issues. Our teeth not only […] Read more

Don’t Labour at Tooth Brushing

The last long weekend of summer is done, kids are heading back to school and it seems like there are a million things to get done. Brushing your teeth is one daily task that you can make easier. Have you been thinking about switching to an electric toothbrush? Here are the top 5 reasons to […] Read more

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