Prepare to Smile for your Summer Vacation

You’ve put a lot of planning into your summer vacation. You searched online until you found the perfect spot. Whether it is the dream vacation to California’s amusement parks or getting away from everything on a backpack trip through the jungle, remember your dental health too. We know we need to see the doctor and make sure vaccinations are up-to-date, but many forget to get a dental check-up

A painful throbbing toothache can interrupt a plan to see Mickey for the whole family. Vacation time is short enough, and the kids would rather be riding the roller coaster than sitting in a dental chair on vacation.

Add this to your Vacation Checklist

Here are some tips for avoiding tooth trouble on your holiday.

  1. Longer than six months. Schedule an appointment with your dentist before you go. If it has been more than six months since your last check-up then it will be good idea to get your mouth looked at. The dentist will check for potential issues and can see if preventative measures should be taken. Your dentist can diagnose and treat potential tooth problem before you leave. Be sure to book the appointment two to three weeks before to ensure there is time to address issues.
  2. Avoid Divers Mouth Syndrome. Ensure all your fillings are tight and tooth cavities are filled before scuba diving. Some vacation resorts offer scuba diving adventures, but the under water pressure has the potential for loose fillings to come out.
  3. Dental Professionals Availability. If you’re two days away from civilization hiking on a trail or in the far reaches of a foreign country, a qualified dentist could be days away. A foreseeable dental problem could keep you from trying different foods, disrupt your sleep, and distract you from appreciating the spectacular once in a lifetime view.


Don’t let a toothache take a bite out of your vacation time

Have a wonderful vacation and don’t forget to let your smile work for you wherever you go and whatever you do. With a pain free and bright white smile you can get the most out of your holiday.