Good Food that Looks Ugly

We all have moments when we are talking to someone who has food stuck between their front teeth. You can get so distracted looking at that piece of spinach that it’s hard to concentrate on what they’re saying.

Keep your smile working for you

This is just as important at a business meeting.  If you’re trying to make a good impression you want them looking at your sales figures rather than the rib leftovers in your teeth.

The worst attention grabbing food culprits are;

Small leafy greens We are all being good and eating our greens, and with tasty tabouli salads, we’re sure to get something green showing.

Cured meat Jerkies and ribs are savoury treats that tend to leave big chunks between your front teeth.

Gummy sweets These stick to your teeth in an ugly way and can lead to tooth decay over time.

Seeds and Nuts Chia and hemp are superfoods, but those little black seeds are the perfect size to stick between your front teeth.

Raspberries and Strawberries These fruits are delicious but with an average of 120 seeds per raspberry the likelihood of one getting stuck in your teeth is high.

Chive Gone

Having a green chunk of chives between your front teeth can be embarrassing and very distracting. Besides that though, having food particles between your teeth can lead to bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. Here are some quick tips for checking for particles and clearing them out.

  • Everyone has their cell phone with them. Take a selfie and magnify the image to check out your smile.
  • Grab a toothpick on the way into a restaurant and use it in the restroom after your meal.
  • Bring floss or a floss pick with you when you’re eating out.
  • A swish of water can help to get leafy greens out from between your teeth.

Should You Point It Out?

When your best friend has spinach between their front teeth it’s easy to let them know. It’s a little bit trickier if it’s your boss. Etiquette experts suggest discreetly mentioning it or pointing towards the mouth and then carrying on with the conversation. Most people would rather know than walk around with a green smile all day.