Tags: ‘dental insurance’

Smiles at the End of the Year

Watch our short video to learn more about how to ensure that you get the most from your calendar year end dental benefits before they expire.

Holiday “Treat”ments For You

Visiting Family, Friends, and your Dentist… The holidays are just around the corner. With office parties, Christmas dinners and New Year’s bashes coming up you will want to feel your best. It’s time to focus on your family and friends, not on your sore mouth. And with so many pictures being taken you will want […] Read more

How Going to the Dentist in December Can Save you Money

Now’s the time-get it done before your calendar year benefits run out Perhaps you need to get a bridge, or braces. Or you need to have your whole family see the dentist. If you’ve been waiting because you were afraid to use up all of your coverage in case emergency dental work was needed later […] Read more

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