How Going to the Dentist in December Can Save you Money

Now’s the time-get it done before your calendar year benefits run out

Perhaps you need to get a bridge, or braces. Or you need to have your whole family see the dentist. If you’ve been waiting because you were afraid to use up all of your coverage in case emergency dental work was needed later on, this is the time to use up those benefits and help you feel your best.

Timing is everything-Do half in December, half in the New Year Some dental benefit plans have coverage that expires at the end of the year and you may lose out on getting dental work done that you and your family may want or need to get completed. Calendar year dental benefits often do not carry over, and if you don’t use them they will be lost forever.

How to get it done right-Make a plan with your dentist

A strategy that some people employ to get the most value out of their dental plans is to have major work done close to the end of their benefit year. If it’s a major expense your dentist can help you to design a treatment plan to spread your work over two benefit years. Half of your work can be done at the end of the current plan year, and the other half completed at the beginning of the next year. This will allow you to get just what you need to keep you smiling.

Talk to your dentist now to make sure that you get all of your dental work done to feel your best.