Acci-Dental; Mom to the Rescue!

Dental First Aid

Are you traveling or going camping? May long weekend is often a traditional first family camping trip of the season.  Ahh getting away from civilization to the great outdoors filled with biking, hiking, adventures, and activities.

Sometimes accidents happen

Most first-aid kits have items for scraped knees, burns and bug bites. But what about a tooth injury or pain?  Mom may need to do some dental first aid to help with broken, loosened, sore or lost tooth.

Here are some items that Mom can add to the first aid kit.

Dental First Aid Supplies

  • Dental floss – use to dislodge objects stuck between the teeth. Eating wild berries are delicious but can have seeds that painfully get lodged between teeth.
  • Soft dental or orthodontic wax – use to soften sharp edges of broken teeth. When eating popcorn a kernel can chip a tooth and leave a sharp edge that can scrape on lips, cheek, or tongue causing irritation.
  • Sterile gauze pads-pack into tooth socket to slow bleeding. When playing baseball, a pop fly hits the mouth dislodging a tooth could create a need to slow the bleeding. Play on!
  • Cavit temporary filling material (available at a drugstore)-use as a temporary filling for fillings that have fallen out. It seems we eat chewy treats on vacation; this can dislodge a filling and cause sharp pain if left exposed.
  • Oil of cloves (eugenol) – dab on a sore tooth: When a tooth-ache occurs at 2:00am in the middle of nowhere, numbing the tooth can offer some comforting relief.

-Red Cross Toothache Medicine
-Dent’s Toothache Drops

*It’s important to know that eugenol might burn the tongue, so be careful when touching anything but teeth with it.

Always consult a dentist or professional health care provider.

Have a great day mom.

The whole family is an important part of the dental team that keeps your family smiling!