Do I Have A Cavity?

Cavities are what you get from tooth decay(damage to the tooth).When a cavity is beginning, you may not have any symptoms at all. As the cavity gets larger, it may cause signs and symptoms like:

  • Toothache
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Pain when eating or drinking something sweet, hot or cold
  • Holes or pits in your teeth that you can see or a hole you can feel with your tongue
  • Discomfort when you bite down

What Causes Cavities?

Well, it’s tooth decay that’s causing a hole or what a dentist calls a Cavity. So we should be asking,what causes decay? It’s basically remnants of foods that get left behind when chewing. When foods with carbohydrates like bread, cereal, or cake stay on your teeth the natural bacteria in your mouth turns them into acids. The bacteria, acid, food debris, and your saliva combine to form plaque, which sticks to the teeth.

The acids cannot tell if its food or teeth so the plaque dissolves the enamel, creating holes called cavities. This is why we need to brush our teeth twice a day-to help remove food and minimise the plaque.

Are All Cavities Painful?

Some cavities may not cause pain and may be unnoticed by you and then collect more food in them. That is why you should have regular check-ups. Cavities usually keep getting bigger and weaken the tooth. If neglected, the cavity may require a cap or crown instead of a filling.

You can experience pain from cavities. In a larger cavity the nerve can be exposed and cause pain when biting down or chewing.  Some people have experienced dental pain from breathing in cold winter air.

What To Do For Cavity Pain?

Brush your teeth with warm water and avoid extreme temperatures. Having a cavity may make your tooth feel much more sensitive than usual, so avoid things like ice cream, hot coffee and other very hot or cold food or beverages.

When To See Your Dentist

You may not be aware that a cavity is forming. However, if you experience toothache or mouth pain, see your dentist as soon as possible.It’s important to have regular dental checkups and cleanings, even when your mouth feels fine because regular brushing may not be enough to remove all of the plaque. Remember that the smaller the cavity the easier it is to fix. Get it treated early to keep feeling your best.