Brushing Your Teeth Can Help You Feel Your Best
3:00pm is a time for mid-day slump. The work day is nearly done, and your energy level is low. You can go for some iced coffee or energy drink to get you through the afternoon, but you’re trying to cut back on the caffeine.
A couple of natural pick me ups are movement and exercise. Getting the blood flowing can help re-energize you.
And you can brush your teeth with peppermint toothpaste.
Some people feel that they perk up when they smell peppermint and to really get a boost they brush their teeth. After brushing, that fresh cool sensation when you take a deep breath can be revitalizing.
When you need an afternoon boost, instead of grabbing another cup of coffee, reach for your toothbrush. Brush and then go for a brisk walk.
Just What You Need!
A mid-day brushing helps you smile. It not only helps alertness, but also good oral hygiene to prevent cavities and bad breath.
Now if they only made chamomile toothpaste for bedtime brushing to help you get to sleep.